High School
An interactive map of US states and their anti-bullying laws
Finland’s KiVa Program website
Australian Human Rights Commission, Why are violence, harassment and bullying human rights issues?
Friends International Centre Against Bullying, Children’s Rights
Australian Human Rights Commission, Cyberbullying: what is it and how to get help
Australian Human Rights Commission, What you can do to stop bullies: be a supportive bystander
Four Corners Episode, The Bullies’ Playground
Legal Aid NSW, Online Social Networking: Cyberbullying Factsheet
Reachout, Bullying and the law
Heike Dele Bull, Martin Schultze, and Herbert Scheithauer, School-based Prevention of Bullying and Relational Aggression: The fairplayer.manual: A Short Report
Prevnet (Canada’s Authority on Bullying Prevention), Bullying: A Human Rights Issue Factsheet
The 8th European Forum on the Rights of the Child December 2013, Background Paper for Session 3: The Role of Child Protection Systems in Protecting Children from Bullying and Cyberbullying
European Conference on Cyberbullying 2013, Conference Report
UNICEF Canada Submission to the Standing Senate Committee on Human Rights 2012, Bullying and Cyberbullying: Two Sides of the Same Coin
Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission, Response of the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission to the Addressing Bullying in Schools
Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, General Comment No 13, 2011: The right of the child to freedom from all forms of violence
University of New South Wales, Research on youth exposure to, and management of, cyberbullying incidents in Australia Part C: An evidence-based assessment of deterrents to youth cyberbullying
Paula Gerber, Children and human rights abuses: coming to an international stage?
Paula Gerber, UN Expert Committee says Australia must do much better at protecting children’s rights
Where does cyberbullying fit in to the current Australian criminal framework?
Des Butler, Sally Kift and Marilyn Campbell Cyber Bullying in Schools and the Law: is there an effective means of addressing the power imbalance?
Nadia Wu, Does Australia need tougher cyberbullying legislation?